Code Talk Teach

Software development commentary and analysis... and more

Code Talk Teach is a "technology talk show". In each episode, Oasis Digital developers chat about:

  • A handful of preselected topics
  • News of the week
  • Anything else that comes up along the way

You can watch live: we keep an eye on the chat to respond, adjust, and fill in gaps in real time. Or watch later; we have in mind both modes working acceptably well.

Although we tend to get very technical, this is not a presentation venue. There aren't slides, lectures, or long monologues. It's more like walking into the middle of our workspace where several of us are sitting around talking (mostly) tech.

Why watch/listen?

  • Technical value relevant to challenges in your projects.
  • "Overhear" discussion of various software development topics, especially around web technology.
  • Get to know us, decide whether you might consider attending one of our classes or seeking our work on a project.
  • We might occasionally be entertaining.

Where: Youtube stream

This is an online event (at least as of 2021). There is no need to register or sign up - but it's best to subscribe to the Youtube channel and turning on notifications.

We’ll keep an eye on the chat for your questions and comments.

We have in mind publishing a podcast feed in addition to the YouTube channel; watch this space.

The channel also contains some historical "episodes" with a larger group of us discussing / arguing about our teaching curriculum (the origin of the name).


Upcoming Code Talk Teach schedule:

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We are experimenting with the frequency and duration. To stay in the loop, follow us on social media (links at the bottom of the page).

Our event and training schedule

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